Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Angels: More Queries Answered

Are angels created or did they pre-exist?

They were/are created. Although the Bible doesn’t specifically say it, it neither says that He created dogs either. Psalm 148:2,5 – “Praise God, all his angels, all the armies of heaven… Let everything he has made give praise to him. For he gave the command, and they came into being.”

Do angles have names?

Angels have names and personal identities. We are told of Gabriel and Michael only in the Bible. In Judges 13:18 it is written, “Don’t even ask my name,” the Angel replied, “For it is a secret.” There are many things we do not know about angels that we must suppose because they are the servants of God, and not meant to replace him in awe or worship.

Angles have intellect and free will, but do they have emotions that may govern the later?

There are Bible passages that tell of angels rejoicing when someone believes in Jesus, and others that say angles sing songs of gladness. Although we do not know exactly why Satan fell from grace, it was speculated by early church members that he grew prideful when Christ humanly incarnated, because he would have to worship a human, which he considered to be a lower life form.

Do angles have a sex?

Angels are not physical beings normally, so big parts of what we would consider masculine or feminine like physical features are not possible. When assuming human form, they have usually taken a male form. Matthew 22:30 says, “For in the resurrection there is no marriage. Everyone is like the angels in Heaven.” – ie the sacrament is not necessary because there is no male/female.

Do angels have halos?

In a sense, they do. However, in the clichéd, contemporary ‘golden ring around your head’ sense, they do not. Angels are beings of light that shine like the sun or fire, so if one was to see an angel whether it was in human or normal form, it likely would shine in a halo-like functionality.

Can angels die?

Die is probably the wrong word because it implies an eventuality. Angels are everlasting beings, immortal in our sense of being. However, that does not mean that God cannot make them cease to exist just as quickly as they came to exist. So while you can’t shoot an angel with a gun, it could yet fall into a state of non-existence. This is an interesting point when watching the new wave of angel movies that you see in your redbox, where angels fight other angels and die.

Are there guardian angels?

If you asked a protestant, he or she would say that since the Bible does not specifically say so, that we do not have individual angels. The problem with such a stance is that, the Bible doesn’t specifically say a lot of thing, but that doesn’t become a verdict on their existence (often a shortfall in protestant thinking). For example, the word “rapture” never appears, but that remains in teachings. The Catechism says “Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life. Already here on earth the Christian life shares by faith in the blessed company of angels and men united in God" (CCC 336).

1 comment:

  1. Here is a link to an audio from a spiritual group which is getting a lot of attention right now, they say that Humanity needs to know the truth. I really liked this part and felt special energies like never before : In your famous 1984 “Jesus Magazine” interview, you said that the 3rd Secret contained a quote, “religious prophecy”, unquote. In that interview, you also said, quote, “Things contained in this Third Secret correspond to what is announced in Scripture, and are confirmed by many other Marian apparitions”, unquote.
    You also said in the interview that the Third Secret talks about quote, “The dangers threatening the faith and life of a Christian, and therefore, the world, and also the importance of the last times”, unquote.



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