What is a feast day?
Feast Days, or Holy Days, are commemorative times of celebration of the sacred mysteries and events recorded in the history of our redemption, in memory of the Virgin Mother of Christ, or of His apostles, martyrs and saints, by special services and rest from work. A feast not only commemorates an event or saint, but also serves to excite the spiritual life by reminding us of the event it commemorates.
The succession of these seasons form the ecclesiastical year, in which the feasts of Our Lord form the framework, the feasts of the Blessed Virgin and the Saints an ornamental tracery.
Let us take a look at July's Holy Days, as listed below.
3 / St. Thomas
11 / St. Benedict
15 / St. Bonaventure
20 / St. Margaret of Antioch
22 / St. Mary Magdalene
23 / St. Bridget of Sweden
25 / St. Christopher
St. James the Great
26 / St. Anne
St. Joachim
29 / St. Olaf
31 / St. Ignatius of Loyola
Catholic Encyclopedia
Angels and Saints, Lleewllyn
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